Morchang or Chang is a simple but sophisticated sounding device
made of iron or brass. It has an outer frame within is a set
a kind of thin elastic tuning fork with its end protruding
upwards. The player sets part of the frame between the teeth
keeping jaws somewhat open so that the hollow of the mouth
serves the purpose of a sound chamber. He then vibrates the
tuning device by the soft backward strokes of his forefinger.
Measured strokes in a slow or quick succession and an appropriate
adjustment of the tongue position within the mouth are combined
to produce a variety of rhythm patterns.
To get better sound notes, the movement of tongue, throat
& stomach is essential. To play Morchang is not so easy.
It hurts tongue, lips and lungs. It requires constant Rias
to get sweet rhythmic sound.
Morchang is also found in Austria, Italy, Australia, Indonesia
made from iron, but the sound of this Morchang is not so sweet
as the sound of Kutchi Morchang has.
& Address of Performing Folk Musician:- Samat
Sajan Pathan
Add:- Village Jarar Wadi,
Sadai, Post.Hod
Tal. Bhuj-Kutch.
& Address of Artisan who makes the Musical Instrument:-Valimamad
Suleman Luhar
Add:- Post Zura,