1. Coordinator for Asia for the Globe '92 conference on environment and development in     Vancouver, April 1992. This was a conference for industries and business. Presented five papers      including the closing address on environment-friendly technologies transfer to the Third world      and global industrial development.
2. Participated in the conference ECO ED - Beyond Rio.
3. Presented papers on technology transfer, education and environmental protection and     technology cooperation for global sustainability.
4. Third World Coordinator and Keynote Speaker, World Future Society Conference, 1989.
5. Organizer and Keynote Speaker, Conference on Science and Religion, Brahma Kumaris,1990.
6. Conference Keynote Speaker, Macro-Technology Association Conference, Japan 1991.
7. Keynote speaker, Campaign for the Earth, Sweden, 1990
8. Keynote Speaker: Body, Mind, and Sprit Conference, Australia, 1990.
9. Keynote Speaker, U. N, Sponsored Environmental Crisis and the Future of Children, 1990.
10. Keynote Speaker, Campaign for the Earth, U.S.A, 1991.
11. Keynote Speaker, World Affairs Council 1990.
12. Keynote Speaker, Rotary Association, Kenya 1989.
13. Keynote Speaker, Business Excellence Institute, 1989.
14. Keynote Speaker, Government of Italy Conference on the Environment and Technology for the       Planet, Rome 1989.
15. Keynote Speaker, Association of European Scientists, Germany, 1989.
16. Keynote Speaker, World Health Institute, Health for the Future, Boulder, Colorado,1987.
17. Keynote Speaker, International Space Conference on Space, Energy, and Development in the       Third World, France 1987. 18. Keynote Speaker and Member of Survey Team, Indonesian       Government Conference on Environment, Nutrition and Health, Indonesia 1986.
19. Keynote Speaker, ISSAC, International Student Council on Youth and Global Development,       Youth and the Future Bogota, Colombia 1986.
20. Keynote Speaker, International Conference organized by Italian Government,Technological       Exposition of High-Tech and the Future, Italy, 1983 and 1984.
21. Panellist, American Association Advancement of Sciences about Technologies and       Development in the Third World, Washington D.C., 1985.
22. Presenter, NGO Conference on Children and the Environment Impact of Environment on       Children in the Third World, 1990.
23. Presenter, International Union of Local Authorities, The Future of Large Cities, 1990.
24. Presenter, The First Conference on Sustainable Environment in Asia, 1990,
25. Presenter, Globe '90, 1990.
26. Presenter, Environment, Science and the Future, 1990.
27. Presenter, Salzburg Seminar, 1984.
28. Participated as an Expert, Expert Group Meeting organized by Commonwealt Secretariat on       the Future of Commonwealth and its Role in the Changing World, 1990.
29. Participated as an Expert, People's Summit on the Environmental Future, Moscow
, 1990.

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